An avid crocheter in her youth, with knitting as a side hobby, her love of collecting yarns and tools took all her allowance each week. She took up sewing and quilting in her early teens.
Her motto is: If it takes too long, the project won’t get finished.
With this in mind Sharon has worked on ways to simplify and offer speedy techniques for patterns for all levels of crafters to enjoy, from the start of the project, through the journey, and finally, the completed project.
She developed the Kaleidoscope Smart-Plate template and technique to make the traditional Kaleidoscope block beginner-friendly, outlined in her book,Kaleidoscope the Smart Way, (AQS Pub. 2009.)
Seamless knitting became one of her favorite short-cuts. Making everything from sweaters, to socks, to mittens, to dog-sweaters seamlessly and often top-down. She shares her short-cuts with seamless knitting in her book, Seamless Knits for Posh Pups, (Martingale Pub. 2015.)
Sharon has been teaching needle-crafts for over 20 years, finding the most reward with the “Aha” moments of her beginning students. Teaching with ‘baby-steps’ to work through techniques and patterns helps beginners to overcome their fear of “it’s too complicated”. She then encourages them to move forward and challenges them with new techniques, suggesting short-cuts, tips and tricks along the way, to successful needle-crafting.