Dear Quilters,
It was pointed out to me that many quilters don’t want to deal with the math of quilt designing and tend to leave it to other people. Whether they work directly from a published pattern or ask a quilt shop owner or teacher to re-size or even write up a pattern for them.
I believe there are adventurous quilters out there that wouldn’t mind figuring it out for themselves. So I decided to share my Quilter’s Math Class on my blog. I hope you enjoy it and design many of your own quilts in the future using my technique.
Here is what I will teach in this series:
Part 1 – Seam allowances
Not all shapes are the same. Some need extra fabric to a cut patch in order to provide the 1/4″ seam allowance we use for sewing. Learn why.
Part 2 – Breaking up the block
What does 4-patch, 9-patch, double 4-patch really mean and why do I need to understand it for design purposes?
Part 3 – Working the Quilt Block Pro chart – How to figure out fabric requirements and create a cutting map.
Part 4 – How do I re-size a quilt pattern? – Now that you understand how to break down a quilt, you can easily change the sizes for larger or smaller. And, figuring out the fabric requirements and cutting are easy to do.
I will move slowly, but plan for consistent blog entries every week. So keep checking for the next installment.
I want you to understand. So if something is unclear, please ask as many questions as you like until you do.